about us

Your Fractional R&D Team

We provide full-service engineering and product development support over a wide range of mechanical, materials and electronic/software implementations. If you can dream up a product, we can make it a reality for you. And we approach the project in a very methodical manner, ensuring efficiency.

Our Process

1. The Brief

We have an introductory meeting to discuss, in general, the project and desired outcomes. We have a meaningful discussion on how Invenit can assist you.


2. Protect

If, during the Brief, we determine that confidential information needs to be exchanged to understand the scope, we will sign a mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to ensure that any confidential information exchanged is protected.


3. Scope

We assess all technical aspects and compose a draft Statement of Work (SOW) that outlines the technical requirements, obligations and timeline for delivery to be reviewed and discussed.


6. Refine

After your review the completed SOW and Agreement, we can discuss any changes to the scope of the project, given the price estimate, and refine to meet your needs (add/remove work or deliverables to meet your budget and feature expectations).


5. Pricing

Once the SOW and Agreement Terms are agreed upon in principal, Invenit will estimate the price for the work and provide a copy of all completed documents for your review.


4. Business

We request further information from you (if needed) and provide a draft Agreement that outlines the legal requirements and obligations for delivery, to be reviewed and discussed based on the discussions from the SOW.

7. Kick-off

If all is agreed upon, we will execute the Project Documents and Invenit will start working right away, or as agreed upon in the SOW.


8. Updates

During the project, we will ensure regular communication and updates, including change management. Any changes after the agreement is executed will be handled via a Change Order (just a written request via email from you, where we respond with a document that outlines the change and any associated schedule or cost ramifications) that would require your approval to proceed with.


9. Review

Prior to delivering any physical prototypes, we would have a detailed review and send you a Client Approval document to sign before we manufacture any parts. This ensures that what we are all on the right track.


12. Finish

invenit delivers you everything we agreed upon and you are now another happy customer. And we are available for any subsequent orders or any product support you may need.


11. Order

Once the testing is completed, we will compile all of the required documentation for the commercial product initial production run. If we are supplying the production run to you, we will ensure all pricing is in place and delivery quantities are set, as well as any training documents or manuals are supplied as outlined in the SOW.


10. Test

If the project involves prototypes, we will create a test plan for review and send you another Client Approval document to sign before we start any tests. This ensures that what we are testing in conditions that you would expect the product to work in and nothing is missed.

Our Process

Step 1 - The Brief

We have an introductory meeting to discuss, in general, the project and desired outcomes. We have a meaningful discussion on how Invenit can assist you.

Step 2 - Protect

If, during the Brief, we determine that confidential information needs to be exchanged to understand the scope, we will sign a mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to ensure that any confidential information exchanged is protected.

Step 3 - Scope

We assess all technical aspects and compose a draft Statement of Work (SOW) that outlines the technical requirements, obligations and timeline for delivery to be reviewed and discussed.

Step 4 - Business

We request further information from you (if needed) and provide a draft Agreement that outlines the legal requirements and obligations for delivery, to be reviewed and discussed based on the discussions from the SOW.

Step 5 - Pricing

Once the SOW and Agreement Terms are agreed upon in principal, Invenit will estimate the price for the work and provide a copy of all completed documents for your review.

Step 6 - Refine

After your review the completed SOW and Agreement, we can discuss any changes to the scope of the project, given the price estimate, and refine to meet your needs (add/remove work or deliverables to meet your budget and feature expectations).

Step 7 - Kick-off

If all is agreed upon, we will execute the Project Documents and Invenit will start working right away, or as agreed upon in the SOW.

Step 8 - Updates

During the project, we will ensure regular communication and updates, including change management. Any changes after the agreement is executed will be handled via a Change Order (just a written request via email from you, where we respond with a document that outlines the change and any associated schedule or cost ramifications) that would require your approval to proceed with.

Step 9 - Review

Prior to delivering any physical prototypes, we would have a detailed review and send you a Client Approval document to sign before we manufacture any parts. This ensures that what we are all on the right track.

Step 10 - Test

If the project involves prototypes, we will create a test plan for review and send you another Client Approval document to sign before we start any tests. This ensures that what we are testing in conditions that you would expect the product to work in and nothing is missed.

Step 11 - Order

Once the testing is completed, we will compile all of the required documentation for the commercial product initial production run. If we are supplying the production run to you, we will ensure all pricing is in place and delivery quantities are set, as well as any training documents or manuals are supplied as outlined in the SOW.

Step 12 - Finish

invenit delivers you everything we agreed upon and you are now another happy customer. And we are available for any subsequent orders or any product support you may need.

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